SQLzoo Solutions: SELECT Basics (MySQL)

Answers to the SELECT Basics tutorial of SQLzoo.

1. Show the population of Germany

SELECT population FROM world
  WHERE name = 'Germany'

2. Show the per capita gdp for each country where the area is over 5,000,000 km2

SELECT name, gdp/population FROM world
  WHERE area > 5000000

3. Show the name and continent where the area is less then 2000 and the gdp is more than 5000000000

SELECT name , continent
  FROM world
  WHERE area < 2000
    AND gdp > 5000000000

4. Show the name and the population for ‘Denmark’, ‘Finland’, ‘Norway’, ‘Sweden’

SELECT name, population FROM world
  WHERE name IN ('Denmark', 'Finland', 'Norway', 'Sweden')

5. Show each country that begins with G

SELECT name FROM world
  WHERE name LIKE 'G%'

6. Show the area (of countries with area between 207600 and 244820) in 1000 square km.

SELECT name, area/1000 as areaSqKm FROM world
  WHERE area BETWEEN 207600 AND 244820

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